Wear It Again Kids Consignment Sale
Register with us, enter your items on our online system, print tags on cardstock, put clothes on hangers and attach tags! Your ready to sell!
Drop off your clean, tagged items (clothes need to be on hangers). Be sure to sign up for a drop off time and allow yourself time to place your items in the appropriate location so they will sell!
Plan to pick up any unsold items on Saturday 4/26/2025 by 4:00 PM. Check each rack/table for your items. Any items not picked up by 4:00 PM will become the property of Wear It Again Kids and donated. Please sign up for a pick up time prior to the pick up day.
Anything and everything related to kids!
Volunteer to work at least one shift and reap the benefits;
Price your items for what you would be willing to pay for them!
Brand names and better quality items will sell for more than inexpensive brands.
Decide if you want to discount your item on the last day. Many items sell on half price day.
Register for the sale then contact sale organizer and set up a time to drop off your items then wait for your check to arrive in the mail! (Shop early and earn 50% profit! No hassle!) See Tagging Service for more information.
Tagging service is OPEN for the SPRING 2025 sale!
Contact us today!
We welcome your questions and comments. Please Contact Us.
Why put clothes on hangers?
Hang your clothes so the hook is facing toward the left. This makes it easier for people to see the items as they are browsing the racks. Clothes on hangers sell better because the items stay neater and are easier to see.
Need Hangers? Try places that sell apparel. Often they throw away the hangers. Also, contact dry cleaners to see if they will give/sell you some and thrift stores sometimes have hangers.You can also contact Arley at wearitagainkids@gmail.com
Copyright 2010 Wear It Again Kids Consignment Sale. All rights reserved.
Wear It Again Kids Consignment Sale